Forum Discussion

MattFlader-1ddc's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Section / Lesson / Content Limits in Rise?

Just wondering if there are limits to the number of sections or lessons in Rise? Like, I'm looking to create a course with 100+ sections and multiple lessons in those sections. There will also be many interactions, Storyline blocks, etc. in those lessons. Are there any limits I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance!

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Matt,

    What are the reasons for creating such a large course?

    Large courses take longer to load for students.

    Students feel overwhelmed by large courses.

    Large courses take longer to load for developers.

    Rise is unable to create PDFs for large courses.

    If you are planning on delivering this course using a LMS or LRS, be aware that most of these systems have limits regarding the size of the ZIP file that can be imported. he larger the course, the bigger the ZIP file.

  • Hi Matt,

    Happy to help!

    There isn't a limit to the number of sections or lessons you can add to a Rise 360 course. If you want more insight on what to expect when building huge Rise 360 courses, check out this ELH post where our Chief Learning Architect, Tom Kuhlmann shared his thoughts!

  • Thanks for the answers and advice. The reason for the huge course is too complicated to go into, but the TL;DR version is that learners won't be interfacing with it.

    I really appreciate the speedy responses!