Forum Discussion

SeanWest's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

How many lessons can you have in a Rise 360 course?


I have a 45 page PDF, that I am converting into Rise 360. How many lessons can you have in a single Rise course? 

Also is there a point where a Rise course is to long, e.g. 30 lessons from a learners perspective? 




  • Hey Sean! We don't limit the number of lessons you can build in Rise 360. Feel free to tailor your content to your needs.

    There's a lot of material out there about recommended course length. Here's what our Chief Learning Architect, Tom Kuhlmann has to say:

    I think that small, bite-sized modules are trending. They’re easy to consume. I like to call them “coursels,” as in course morsels. With that the focus is on practical, just-in-time content. I think mobile will really drive that forward.

    Check out our article about micro-learning; there are even some Rise 360 examples too!

  • Since this is about information and not an online course... new thinking needs to apply.
    45 page PDF is information. The lines of how and when to use such an easy to use tools as Rise gets blurry real fast. That is not a bad thing but it widens the discussion?

    Would really like to hear Toms thoughts on this "unintended use of rise". People like it. Where could they go wrong?

  • I like to step away from the tools as "elearning tools" and think of them more as ways to create multimedia content. In that sense, a PDF is no different than Rise and vice versa. It's just as easy to read the PDF as it is to read the Rise screen.

    The question then becomes, what does Rise give you that you don't get in a PDF?

    It's easy to break the content into manageable chunks using the lesson structure and within lessons, the continue block. You can also leverage the other interactive blocks and chunk up some content with those, as well.

    I think the other consideration is how to convert read-only text into something more engaging, interactive, and perhaps a better learning experience. I'd reframe the content so it's not just about reading and exposure and also includes places where it's used to make contextually relevant decisions. That's easy to do with the knowledge checks and scenario blocks.

    As far as length, I think seeing 30 lessons feels like a long course. I'd probably do fewer visible lessons and then break the content up inside the lesson. You can use the continue block to hide content until they get there.

    Not knowing the content/subject matter, the other recommendation is to keep the PDF as a resource and use the lessons in Rise as a way to abstract the content and have them make the types of decisions you want them to make in real life. Thus the lessons are more like decision-making scenarios where they demonstrate their understanding of the PDF content and less about reading the content.

  • SeanWest's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Tom,


    Thank you for your response, and wisdom. Really good point about converting text into interactions. I have made number of changes, and inserting video is a good way of displaying text. Also decision making scenarios is a great way of transforming text into something more engaging and also behaviour changing. 


    We are trying to avoid the 'death' by PDF format and create a more interesting, learner centered (incorporating more micro lessons) on-boarding programme.  


    What are your thoughts please on converting large text formats into animated videos (whiteboard animations) and possibly the use of character avatars? 

  • If you used them consistently, then they could be a nice break from reading onscreen

    • NancyEvans-2b34's avatar
      Community Member

      What programs are good to use to create animated videos (whiteboard animations) and other types of animations?

      • SeanWest's avatar
        Community Member

        I would recommend Vyond, I have been using the animation software for years now and created some great eLearns. Vyond is easy to use, fun and they constantly update their images.