Forum Discussion
Seekbar not working
I've been working with a course that has a video inserted on a slide. That slide only has a seekbar, not the entire course. However, once published in Chrome and Edge, the seekbar is not working properly. If you try to advance the video or go back, it just starts over from the beginning. Note that it works fine when I preview in Storyline. Is there a fix for this?
Hi Lori!
It would be helpful to test your project on our end to understand what might be getting in the way with the seekbar! Do you mind sharing your .story file with us? You can attach it to this discussion or upload it privately in a support case.
If you have any sensitive information in your course, feel free to just send a slide where the seekbar is present.
- InformationS987Community Member
I have the same issue; the video just replays when using the seekbar when it is published... it works fine when in preview. What was the solution to this issue?
Hello InformationS987,
Happy to help!
We'll need to check your project file to identify the exact cause of the behavior. One of the things I'll take a look at first is if your slide timeline matches the video timeline, and if you have any triggers in place that target both.
Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or privately by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!