Forum Discussion

az-0b647838-85e's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Select text and right-click?


I need to be able to allow users to select and right-click to allow them to look-up words, seek definitions, translations, Google, etc.

For some reason, whatever I try it won't work.

This is a crucial function required for effective learning!

Please help!


  • Hello a Zayd! I am new to the community, but hope I can be of assistance to you.

    Have you tried adding a trigger to the word that you want the user to be able to right click and have further options for?

    You can place the trigger "user right clicks" on whichever word you want them to have more options for (in your example above, the word "feature"). Then, create a layer that opens up with more options when the user right clicks on the word. 

    My apologies if you have tried these measures already and they have not worked, and please let me know if this helps! 

  • Thanks Andrea for your help!

    I want all text on the screen to be clickable because I don't know which word the user will want to look-up.

    I'm flabbergasted that this isn't an option!

    How can effective learning take place if I can't look up the definition of a word easily?!

    Genuinely confused!

  • I'm having to seek an alternative tool because of this limitation.. which is unfortunate because it seems to be a really good tool.