Forum Discussion

EricCasolo-0529's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Setting a selection limit for multiple buttons


Need your guidance.

I'm working on a slide that has nine buttons.

I want the user to select a maximum of three before the submit button state flips to normal.

I understand how to get the submit button to normal after three are selected using a number count but how can I limit the amount of buttons selected to three. 

Would like to set this up so if they try to select a fourth button, it won't let them until they deselect one of the three already selected.

Thank you.


  • Hi Eric!

    Great question! A quick idea that I've thought of is setting the remainder of the buttons to disabled if three are selected. Do you mind sharing your project file so we can see what you've created so far?

    I've also found a great discussion that explains this exact setup!

  • BobStryker's avatar
    Community Member

    Here's a (quickly built) functional framework for what I believe you described.

    It only has five buttons but the format would be the same as with nine (just with a lot more triggers).

    It allows the participant to select up to three selections then disables the other two. But if a selection is reversed to leave only 2 selected, the programming changes the previously disabled buttons to a normal state to allow for a different selection.

    Hope it helps!


  • Looks like Bob got his demo up before I finished mine. 

    I took a different approach than he did. Mine only enables the SUBMIT button when 3 choices are selected. If the user selected a 4th choice, the SUBMIT button disables again, and a warning message shows. 

    The attached file also includes notes about how the programming works.

  • This is great. Thank you all for the quick responses! Going to take a look at all of these this weekend to see what works for this client.