Forum Discussion

YaziaSilva-611b's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Sidebar Menu and Slide Triggers

Good morning, 

I am working on a storyline training that has the sidebar menu as an option to be viewed while progressing through the training. Initially I noticed that when revisiting slides through the slide menu, the "next" and "prev" buttons would not function as expected, meaning that it might go onto a different "prev" slide than the one that was actually before that slide. Because of this I added triggers to the slides that state specifically what slide to go to when hitting "prev" and "next." This seems to solve the issue. 

However, the issue now is that every time I add a new slide and I move it to the correct spot I have to add that trigger for the "next" and "prev" slides. Is there any way to use the side menu consistently without having to set up triggers for each slide on what is "next" and "prev"?

Thank you in advance!

  • You should only need to change the previous slide trigger.

    By default storyline jumps to the historical previous slide, you need to hard code to the consecutive previous no need to change next as that is always the same.