Forum Discussion
Single Answer Attestation in Knowledge Check
Is it possible to have a single answer Knowledge Check for an attestation for reviewing policies? I only see options for a minimum of 2 choices on Multiple Choice or Multiple Response.
You are required to read the following IT Policies:
- Information Security Policy
- IT Acceptable Use Policy
You can find them in Confluence by following this link.
To confirm that you have read and understand the policies, please select the box.
[] I confirm I have read and understand the policies
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
I assume you're working in Rise, because you can create a one-option Multiple-Choice question in Storyline.
I suggest you put the confirmation statement in a Storyline block.
P.S. When you have a software-specific question, it's best to put it in the Forum thread for the software. The Rise thread is here: Rise 360 Discussion Forum - E-Learning Heroes (
- MikeDavis-01891Community Member
Thank you for the feedback and possible solution. Appreciate the help!
- SarahHodgeFormer Staff
Hi Mike! 👋 Gerry McAteer created an 'I acknowledge' example using a Quiz block in Rise 360. You can check it out here.