Forum Discussion

Elie-PierreDema's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

SL3 : launching an entire course in a pop-up window ?


My client would like to launch his entire course (made with SL3) in a pop-up window.
We have seen how to make it in a simple browser's new window, by customizing the player : but we would like to launch it in a pop-up.

Is it possible, and how should we do that ?

Otherwise : is it possible to launch in full-screen ?

Thank you,
Best regards,


  • Hi Ellie-Pierre, great question!

    There is a way to customize the browser settings to launch the player in a new window. You may also notice that you can choose "Resize browser to fill screen" rather than allowing the user to resize the browser to their liking. That's a way you could launch in full screen, but they would still need to press the button to launch the player.

    A couple of workarounds have been discussed in this thread, although Articulate does not support them.

    I hope this helps your client launch their course the way they would like it to, and I look forward to any other workaround ideas from members of the E-Learning Heroes community!