Forum Discussion

Dave-Ruckley's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Slide loading issue

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a simulated prescribing program and am having an issue with one of the slides loading. If you search for "aspirin" on slide 1.3 and then click the first result, it should jump to the next slide which is does, and as far as I can see it populates all the variables that should be populated. However, i'm getting a loading overlay I can't get rid off. In the console I get this error:

TypeError: element.classList is undefined


Uncaught TypeError: t is undefined

But I can't figure out what's causing it.

Here's the review version:

and the file is attached. Any help would be appreciated!

  • Dave-Ruckley's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Andrew I'll try that. It's strange, i can still interact with the slide below but storyline seems to insist on putting that overlay on it!

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    @Jürgen - thats hugely helpful to know, thank you. Is this a general JS issue, or specific to Storyline?

  • Dave-Ruckley's avatar
    Community Member

    Looks like I spoke too soon. I started a re-build of the whole thing using the new storyline file and as soon as I added the drug search javascript to it, it kicked up the same issue. So there's something specific about that code that's causing the issue.

    UPDATE: It was something to do with undefined data being sent back by the googlesheet, so my friend ChatGPT helped me modify it to catch those and sort them out. It now works perfectly.

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Well, its got no loading dots.... :)   It just doesnt have anything at all in way of content now! :P
    Console reports a skipped function.

    Im wondering if you meant to remove the Enter Name and Select Patient dropdown. Is the thing bugging out because it doesnt have any values in those variables now for the XML lookup?

  • Dave-Ruckley's avatar
    Community Member

    I haven't re-built the next slide yet :) that's why it's blank.

    As for the other bits, I left those blank for now as I know they work. It was the drug lookup that was causing me issues.

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Ah I see, well no loading dots is whats happening, so it seems ok for now.

    So it was malformed data coming from the XML? Thats what the console JS warning was hinting at hence I thought it might be the reason.

    I wonder if Jurgen's good idea was because of this - forcing the text fields to be implicit data types of single line only?

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Excellent info. Thanks for sharing Dave.
    Good luck with the project too! o7