Forum Discussion

AdrianStroud's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Slider click to resume timeline not working

Hi everyone

I've created a space game where the ship is the thumb of a slider which moves up and down the screen when 'up and down' keys are clicked (this adds or subtracts to the slider value). 

I have it set up to pause the timeline once the ship has flown in, then clicking the slider (ship) resumes the timeline and 'activates' the slider so it can be controlled by the key clicks. This worked fine previously and I have Review 360 published versions that still work.

This no longer works on desktop. It seems the slider thumb is no longer able to resume the timeline. It still works on mobile.

Has something changed that's affected this functionality?

Hoping someone can help.

Thanks, Adrian.

  • Just to second this - I *think* this was working until the version 3.77.30568.0 update. I notice on this update there was a fix for sliders working on mobile devices, I wonder if this fix has had an adverse effect on sliders on Desktop?

  • Hello Adrian and Chris, 

    Sorry to hear that you encountered this issue. 

    We're not seeing reports of other users encountering issues with their sliders so I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience: 

    Additionally, we'd like to take a closer look at your existing project files to see what's happening. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!

  • AdrianStroud's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for replying!

    I did find the same happened when I created a new project. I've just downgraded to the last release and it's working OK again, so appears to be something in the new release.

    I've opened a support case and uploaded the .story file. The case number is 03746563.

    Thanks again.