Forum Discussion

EpicEdward's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Pause timeline triggers not working or working incorrectly

There are a few things going on right now:

1) Triggers to pause timeline at the beginning of the slide (which is a video) and pause timeline at cue points are not working

2) When video plays on timeline, the seekbar just stays at the beginning except if you manually drag it.

Also, was there a requirement to get the Storyline 64? I never had any of these issues with the old one before I "upgraded" yesterday.

Thank you for any help you can provide!

  • Generally speaking, "pause timeline when timeline begins" doesn't work. The timeline has to start before the trigger is executed, but by then, "when timeline"starts" is already past. Use instead "when timeline reaches ___ sec.  Usually .01 will work.

    As to your other questions,troubleshooting is just guessing without seeing the .story file. If you upload it, someone might be able to solve the issue. Here are the best practices for uploading a .story file:

    • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “lorem ipsum” text.
    • Use a browser to come to this page, and click "Add Attachment at the bottom of your post to upload.
  • EpicEdward's avatar
    Community Member

    I have created approximately 100 videos where it had worked just fine, however when I replaced the "pause timeline when timeline begins" with reaching .01 on this one just now, the rest of the issues went away at least for now! 

    Thank you!