Forum Discussion

PatrickKroezen's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Solution: How to delete the goodbye page in Totara LMS while using articulate Rise 360 and redirect to coursepage

Good afternoon,

I am using Rise 360 to create courses. However, I do not want the goodbye page to be displayed. My courses are used by 3,500 employees and I get a lot of comments on this annoying page. Is there any way to disable this page by default?


Open the goodbye.html file located in the .zip file (scormdriver folder) with notepad (without unzipping!), delete all the existing code and add the code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
top.location.href = '';

This will redirect the whole page (not just the frame) to a specific location (for instance the coursepage). I use it to redirect to the coursepage but you can also redirect to home or to the catalogue. After editing the goodbye.html, save the document and update the file in the .zip 

  • As you can see in the attachment the course will end with this message after clicking the close course button. 

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    I have never seen that before. Are you sure it's not something your LMS displays?

  • No, I saw it in the zip file as goobye.html. There are articles on this forum, however, only about the storyline variant.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Patrick,

      Whether or not the Goodbye page is used or not is determined entirely by your LMS.

      Articulate provides a Goodbye page in the export in case your LMS requires it.

      Our LMS does not use it, but it seems your LMS does.

      So this is a question for your LMS admin.

      • KarinRex's avatar
        Community Member

        AHA! So that is why I have never noticed it. Thanks, Karl -- I can always count on you to clarify things for me.

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for clarifying. Funny that I've never noticed it. Now it will probably bug me as well. LOL

  • I dont even want it included because i don't want to give the LMS (Totara) the permission to do that. I create the courses in Rise 360 by myself and dont think the LMS should have the option to use it.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Patrick,

      The fact that you are seeing the Good bye displayed page in your LMS, means that it is a file required by your specific LMS.

      If the Good bye file is not included, this will most likely cause an error in your LMS.

      This is not a Rise issue.

  • Hi everybody,

    Thank you for your response. I use Totara as LMS and it indeed requires the goodbye.html file. With trial and error i've found the solution:

    I have edited the file with wordpad and implemented this code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    top.location.href = '';

    This code can be used to redirect to the coursepage instead of just showing the close notification.