Forum Discussion

TeresaVanderpos's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

States images not showing in edit mode (or non-edit mode) (latest release - v3.65.28121.0)

Hi everyone,

I am updating an older module and I needed to fix a state and noticed none of the state images are showing.  I just updated on June 21st, but I have not looked at states since the update.

Please see image, if I click on it I see it on my slide but so not convenient.  I am hoping this is a bug and not an enhancement.  I looked on the website for he versioning updates and didn't see anything that stood out regarding states.




  • Thanks Walt, I finally had a chance to go back in on a project and take a look.  And it is very annoying that I have to lose visible real estate on my slide to move my states window up in order to see them now.  Very odd, but at least it does work.

    Lauren is this something articulate can look into?  See the two attachments,  I have to move up the window to see the state images since the update mentioned in my title.

  • Hello Teresa!

    A preview of the state should be displayed. I am not seeing this behavior with any new or old projects that I've created. Can you copy and paste the object to see if the states appear on the pasted object?

    If you can share your project, that would give us a better idea of what the fix might be!

  • Thanks, I will look at the discussion Walt posted.  I saw that the person just moved up the state window and it showed.  I am on Windows 10.  Hoping I don't have to do the repair process.  Thanks

  • Thanks so much for sharing this with us, Teresa. I have created a Support Case on your behalf in over to investigate this further. I have included the two attachments you have shared here in the thread.

    Our Support Engineers will be in touch with you shortly via email! 

    Hope you have a great weekend.