Storyline - QUIZ Fail, Course EXIT and Reset
Hi there, having a problem with course completion when quiz fails.
We have built the course with quiz questions peppered through out the course. We give the learner two chances to get the quiz question correct. If they fail to get 80% we want to have the course end and when they return to the course it is reset at the beginning to retake as if new. At the end, the results slide has a pass/fail layer. If they pass then move to the next slide, but if they fail it should end and resent when they click on the Exit/Close button.
To do this, we have the fail layer say, "you failed" and we added a Exit/close button, and the pass layer, they go onto a final completion slide and then at the end of the course have a Exit/close button.
If they pass, the course completes when they click the Exit/Close button which has the Trigger "Exit Course" assigned to it, the course closes as expected and they start it again as new. The problem is if they fail, when they fail and click on the Exit/Close button, and return to the course, the course resumes on the fail slide where they exited....I can't seem to make the course reset and restart. I've added three triggers to the fail layer to try and resolve ("Complete course as Incomplete/Failed" - "Restart Course" - and "Exit Course") but when I exit the course and go back, I'm still at the failure layer and the course isn't restarted. In the publishing I also tried changing the LMS Reporting from "Passed/Incomplete" to "Passed/Failed" with no luck.
Any suggestions on how to resolve so that course resets would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.