Forum Discussion
Storyline 3 Crashes on iPad Safari and Chrome
Hello! We have similar iPad issues with slides not advancing on SL360 Build 3.25.18088.0 when testing on SCORM Cloud (although this may be an issue on normal web link as well but we have not tested this yet). I've narrowed it down to 2 slides. First slide has about 20 layers, each with videos and orange buttons that advance to the next layer above. At the end of this first slide's last layer, we have a button that is supposed to jump to the next slide.
Instead, on the iPad anyways (not on PC testing), it freezes. The Menu (we call Course Map), does show that the next slide is active but the on screen slide does not update from slide 1 to 2 as it should.
I'd like to request any other options for troubleshooting and upload my file for the support team. I just opened a case report for this: 01733616. Thanks!
Hi Wesley,
Thanks for sharing those details here and reaching out to our Support Team. I talked with Cleo as he was testing your file, and we believe you're running into the memory limitations of mobile Safari.
One slide with 20 layers, each including a video, would match the description for slides or courses that could crash mobile Safari or cause it to freeze. Can you look at breaking that slide with the layers into smaller groupings or separate individual slides? That should help with course playback, and you'll also want to encourage learners to use the latest iOS or iOS device available to them. Each new iOS device has added more memory and improved performance within the Safari browser.
Our team continues to work on performance improvements for our authoring tools and the published output. It's an area we will continue to focus on as browsers and operating system release updates that could impact your experience with Articulate.