Forum Discussion

HIshaaq's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline 3: Enable Next Button Triggers No Longer Working Correctly?


So, for our courses, we would disable the next button until the user has completed some type of activity on the page. Typically the triggers we use would either be: 

  • When timeline starts on a slide layer, or
  • When all relevant buttons are visited.

We have done this for a few years with no problems.

However, very recently, we have encountered an issue where sometimes, after all these things are done, the next button would still not be enabled. It would work for me but not someone else etc.

But if we clicked the previous button and then return to that slide, the next button would show up as enabled. Nothing has changed with how we have created these triggers. Does anyone know why this is happening? We are using Storyline 3.

  • Hello H Ishaaq,

    Happy to help!

    We'll need to take a look at your project file in order to check how your triggers are setup. This will help us understand why your navigation buttons are remaining disabled, preventing your learners from advancing. 

    Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

    • HIshaaq's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks, I have just submitted a support case.

  • Hi, H Ishaaq!

    I see that you’ve connected with my teammate, Jan. You’re in great hands! We’ll continue the conversation in your support case.