Forum Discussion

ScottFoster's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Reset States on base layer not working correctly?


I am trying to have the circles' state (pick one) reset when the user returns to the base layer, but not having any luck. I have tried several triggers with no luck. 

Ideal behavior:  If User picks wrong answer, they get the feedback slide. Then they are returned to base layer with options reset to allow them to answer question again.

Any suggestions?

Any and all help welcome and appreciated!

  • Are you asking about a graded multiple-choice question that allows more than one attempt? 

    Here's how the program is set up to work in that situation:

    • When the user answers incorrectly, the Try Again layer shows.
    • When the Try Again layer is closed, the question still shows the person's previous answer(s), but it allows them to change their answer.
      • If you don't want to show the previous answer(s), add triggers to change the state of the answer buttons back to Normal. That would look something like this:

    Or are you asking about custom programming? If so, troubleshooting would just be a “best guess” without seeing the .story file. Here are the best practices for uploading that:

    • Only include slides that are involved in the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
    • Be sure to clearly describe the following in the file and/or in the post with the attachment (if you haven’t already done so):
      • What you want to happen
      • What is not happening that should happen
      • What is happening that should not happen
      • What you have already tried
    • ScottFoster's avatar
      Community Member
      Judy Nollet

      My apologies. I thought I had attached a slide for review. Please see the attached slide. 

      Thank you!

  • ScottFoster's avatar
    Community Member

    Disregard this post. I figured it out. When I switched attempts from 1 to Unlimited it was adding a layer That I did not see. I removed the layer and everything functions as it should


    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      I'm glad you figured it out. 

      FYI: question slides, results slides, and standard states (e.g., Normal, Hover, Selected, Visited) have a lot of built-in functionality. It's good to be aware of what will happen automatically, so you don't add needless (and often problem-causing) triggers that duplicate automatic actions. And, as you discovered, so you know how to program alternate functions as desired. 

  • ShahSeo's avatar
    Community Member

    Try this after the feedback slide, set up a trigger to reset the circles on your main page. Also, make sure the slide is all about that fresh start by setting it to Reset to Initial State when they come back. If the circles are still playing hard to get, throw in a variable. When they goof up, set it, and on the main page, trigger a reset only if that variable is true.