Forum Discussion

CraigBrown-1296's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Re-visiting slides with triggers not working correctly

Hi everyone,

I am currently working on a SCORM package for my workplace using Articulate Storyline 360. 

What I've done is made some slides, that require the user to click on objects in order to proceed. For example:

  • Slide starts with Object A, user clicks Object A.
  • Object B appears, user clicks Object B.
  • Object C appears, user clicks Object C. 
  • The user is prompted to click Next, and the user can progress onward.

Via Slide Properties, I have set the slide to 'Resume saved state' when the user revisits the slide. 

However, I have tested for myself, if the user decides to go back and re-visit this slide, the slide will essentially start over again, forcing them to click through the objects once more. I do not want this. What I want, is that if a user revisits a slide they have already completed, that they do not have to click through everything again just to resume. 

I feel like this might have something to do with my triggers, and perhaps I am missing additional triggers or optional trigger conditions. I have uploaded an example of my Articulate Storyline 360 file to this post, which will hopefully provide some clarification, especially to the triggers I utilised.

Thank you,


  • Hi Craig,

    A variable will make the difference here. I set up a T/F variable that gets set to True after the 7th button is clicked. Modified the triggers that hide the buttons so that they only get hidden if the variable is false, as it will be the first time through.

    One thing: because the slide is set to resume its saved state, when the user returns, the last layer viewed will still be visible, which is not ideal. You can change to reset to initial state, and it works fine, but buttons 2-7 will appear immediately, and button one will fade in after, because of where it is in the timeline. You can't move the other buttons to start at the same point in the timeline, because the triggers to decide whether to hide them key off of the start of the timeline. You could move the buttons to the same point as button 1, and change the triggers to hide when the timeline reaches x seconds. Easier would be to not have that short pause at the start of the slide.



  • David beat me to it. He answered while I was editing the file. 

    Like him, I added a variable for tracking whether the slide was already completed or not. 

    I didn't add conditions to the triggers that hide buttons 2-7. Instead, I deleted those triggers, and set the Initial State of those buttons to Hidden. 

    To prevent any layer from showing when the user returns to the slide, I did this: 

    • Added a blank layer.
    • Added a trigger to the Next button that shows the blank layer. This automatically hides all the other layers. (Trigger order is important. Note that this appears before the program jumps to the next slide.)
  • Hi Judy,

    Much more elegant approach than mine. I love using the blank layer for hiding others. I hope Craig uses your way!

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Thanks, David. I like to find the lazy way to do things.  ;-)