Forum Discussion

DanielBolia-eb2's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Storyline 360 Notes area

Is there a way to change the default font size for the Notes area? The current default is 9, which is too small and difficult to read. It's tedious having to set the font size for each slide. I'm referring to the Notes area in the course development and not the note section in the Player.

Thank you,


  • Hi there, Dan!

    Although there currently isn't a way to set a default or master change the Notes font format, it's always good to know how we can make Storyline even better!

    I'm going to share your thoughts in our feature request for global editing Notes text options and let you know of any new developments!

    • DanielBolia-eb2's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Katie,

      Thank you for you reply to my question. While I'd like to be optimistic about this particular feature, I noticed that this very same issue was brought up as far back as SL-1, seven years ago. It appears that six and five years ago, others also asked this same question. The standard reply seems to be "This feature is not available, please submit a feature request."

      Perhaps because no one asked about global editing of the Notes section in the last five years, it may have been overlooked. By all means, please raise the issue again to the Development Team.

      Thank you,


  • Greetings, Dan!

    I appreciate your contribution, and you're right — a global editing Notes text feature has been mentioned for some time. While we acknowledge the time frame and read every conversation around the feature, we're committed to ensuring its impact and benefit for the majority of users comes first.

    You can learn more about our feature prioritization process here!

    We aren't planning to develop this capability at this time, but we'll continue to share input with the right team and keep you updated on any changes!

  • I don't know if this will help, but I would also like to request the ability to change the Notes section to a default that is higher than the current 9. I am working on a 42 slide eLearning now and I have to update each Note section so that I am not squinting when I begin to record. Thanks for the link to the feature prioritization process as well. 

    • DanielBolia-eb2's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Monica,

      Apparently there's no easy way to do what you're talking about. This request has been talked about since SL version 1, It's not a priority. It is frustrating that we can't even set the default font size for the Note section in the Master Slide. The only way I've found is to use the Duplicate Slide function when I create a new slide. I know this is not a solution if you already have the slides created.

      Good luck with your project,


      • MonicaRussell-6's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks Dan! I will definitely leverage duplicating for future projects.

  • I'm in the same boat on tons of slides that need the Notes font size updated. I added a feature request for that as well as the ability to upload notes. Maybe if we all add the feature request, we can make some headway in priority :) 

    • MonicaRussell-6's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Mary, I put in a feature request as well and I linked to this discussion post.  Thanks for the reminder!