Forum Discussion

MarcMacelli-00e's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Storyline 360 Recording Screen randomly stops recording

I am using Storyline 360 x64. When recording my screen, the slide recording will frequently stop when I am in the middle of recording. This appears random, and will stop in the middle of me clicking fields, adding data, etc. I cannot see any pattern to it and when I go back, I am usually able to record the steps that it previously stopped the recording on. This is very annoying. Any ideas?

  • Hi Marc!

    Sorry to hear you've run into this setback when recording your screen in Storyline 360!

    I'd be happy to help investigate this behavior and had some follow-up questions to help us troubleshoot:

    • Are you working locally? Working from a network or shared drive may cause erratic behavior while authoring.
    • Have you tried performing a repair of your Storyline installation to see if that improves the issue?
    • How long is the screen recording you are trying to capture?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!