Forum Discussion

AshleyT-Pollard's avatar
4 years ago

Storyline 360 users’ ability to publish to Adobe Flash will end 3/23/2021

Adobe ended its support of Flash on December 31, 2020. That’s why we’ll be removing the ability to publish to Flash from Storyline 360 on March 23, 2021. We wanted to let you know in advance so that you can prepare.

The good news is that Storyline 360 was architected without Adobe Flash dependencies, so this change did not impact it. However, you may still have courses that were published to Flash. If so, we recommend that you republish them to HTML5.

If you have questions, just get in touch. We’re happy to help make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

  • I understand why you might want to keep this and similar posts available. But I suggest that Articulate unpin past-due posts so they're not wasting space at the top of the list. 

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Thanks! Definitely cleaner, though you missed a few that were at the bottom, and, therefore, didn't even fit into the image I used above: 

      This isn't really a problem. More of an on-going "Geez, what the heck are they thinking? (Or not thinking?)" Today, I finally cracked and commented. 

      In other words, it seems that the staff should have a standard process for unpinning out-of-date posts. For example, someone could do the appropriate unpinning every month, quarterly, or on some other regular schedule. Or there could be a running list, with certain posts assigned an end-date for being pinned (though that would likely be more work to maintain and check).   


  • We certainly still want folx to be aware of Articulate Online shutting down this year, so those are still relevant for pinning. 

    I appreciate your feedback.

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Mea culpa. I just glanced at the date in the last few posts. Didn't read enough to realize they're talking about the end of this year.  You're absolutely right; those need to stay pinned for now. 

      And thanks for paying attention to this. I'm always impressed with how responsive the staff is. Best wishes to you and the entire staff!