Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 users: What are your localization pain points?
I think one of my big pain points if not having the closed captions exported together with the rest of the text for translation. I often embed small videos made with Camtasia in my projects that contain audio. I use Storyline to show the captioning - it's actually easier to work with captions in Storyline than Camtasia, in my opinion - although Camtasia made some recent improvements with their captioning, that may cause me to change my mind...
Normally when producing multiple language courses, I have the "master" in English, and export the project for translation to Word. When I get the translation back, I make a copy of the original English language project and then import the translation. I will then create a new scene in the "master" with the translated slides, and from there make an interaction where the user will select their preferred language. Maybe there's an easier way, but this is how I'm working.
In addition, I love the idea of having the Storyline UI follow the selected language.