Forum Discussion
Storyline and Moodle Review Mode
No worries.
I should point out that on your Moodle SCORM package compatibility settings, if you have Force completed = yes, it can still revert to review mode, but technically it should still update grade and completion status due to var REVIEW_MODE_IS_READ_ONLY = false;
i.e. it is only 'Review Mode' in a rather misleading cosmetic sense and will still push grade/update completion status.
So you could get by with just doing: var REVIEW_MODE_IS_READ_ONLY = false;
But I change the other two to avoid "issues" - such as a student re-entering a passed/completed attempt, retrying a quiz and failing.
Updating values for the three variables I suggested ensures a user resumes the current attempt and that their score will only update if improved.
For Moodle SCORM settings, I normally do:
- Force new attempt = *no*
- Compatibility settings = 'no' (all of them)
*For new attempts: Articulate Player settings can prompt user if desired, or you can 'display attempt status' in Moodle and user can start a new attempt that way.*