Forum Discussion
Storyline and Wordpress auto-scrolling wordpress screen back to top
We've embedded a number of SL 360 courses (generated for the Web) into a Wordpress site.
Problem we're experiencing: If you scroll down the Wordpress screen and even slightly passed the top of the embedded SL screen - when the SL screen is advanced (using Next or auto-advanced) - the Wordpress screen automatically scrolls back its top. This means the user has to scroll back down (on wordpress screen) to see the entire SL screen. Not an ideal user experience.
Has anyone seen this behaviour and/or know how we can remedy this?
1 Reply
We are having the same problem with Rise 360 courses embedded into Wordpress via Grassblade - there seems to be some sort of issues with the page scrolling functions interfering with each other or something - like the scrolling of the webpage is separate to the scrolling of the Rise 360 'page'... did you find a solution to this?