Forum Discussion
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Resume behavior is set in the Player.
- This works for courses presented in an LMS/LRS. (Courses that are simply published for and presented on the web don't have a way for Storyline to store the suspend/resume data, so there's no reliable way for them to resume.)
- Here's more info about the Resume options:
If your course is in an LMS/LRS, you should also check with the folks who run it. The LMS settings can impact what's allowed for re-opening a successfully completed course.
- BillLarocqueCommunity Member
Hi Judy, yes I'm aware of the RESUME feature. What I'm asking about is whether you can have the course go into REVIEW mode after the learner has completed the course.
So, say the learner has completed the course and passes. They are marked COMPLETE in the LMS. What happens if they choose to re-launch the course? Does it always just reset their progress and start them all over? Or can it go into REVIEW mode where the learner can look over the module and refresh their knowledge?
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
From the link I included above:
- BillLarocqueCommunity Member
Oh sorry I missed that part. So the review mode is more LMS dependent than something that is set in Storyline?
Hi Bill,
Yes, that is correct. Review Mode is an LMS feature, not a Storyline 360 one. You'll need to modify the published output of your course to change the behavior in your LMS. Note that we don't officially support modifying the published output.