Forum Discussion
7 years agoCommunity Member
storyline: seekbar on video slides not working when published.
I have a seekbar on all slides and all work except the slides with video. Seekbar does not seek, but rather just moves the line along and starts at the beginning of the video no matter where you ...
2 years agoCommunity Member
there is a problem, if the user clicks direct on the video -> video + timeline is out of sync
- user click pause/play in navi bar -> timeline + video stops (ok)
- user click on video -> video starts / timeline not !!!
- now wait some seconds and click play on navi bar -> timeline plays + video play BUT out of sync
result: video is ready -> jump to the next slide, but timeline is not ready (seekbar not clickable)
the easiest way to fix the problem is to put a rectangle with 99% transparency over the video -> click on video will have no effect anymore