Forum Discussion

JessicaFitzp410's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Survey Calculations

Hello. I am trying to create a survey that the results page adds up each of the slides and tells the learner how they scored on each slide, on a rating scale, not graded. IE: They are taking a soft-skills assessment and the results page will show them which of the soft-skills they are the best at and which they need improvement on.

I cannot figure out 2 things.

  1. How the learner can click on just one button.
  2. How to create a results slide that reflects this information.

I've included my storyline thus far and the PDF I'm trying to mimic.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!


  • I have attached the .story file with the Hall test. It uses exactly the mechanics you need. You can check the project logic on YouTube.


    In short: to ensure that only one button is pressed, you need to use a button set (select the necessary buttons, right-click, and choose "Button Set"). To display results, you will need many variables and triggers that process these variables.