Forum Discussion

sylvainsense139's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

SVG files makes Storyline unstable.

Hello everybody !

Since yesterday, I have some troubleshootings with SL. When I want to preview a slide with SVG files, SL crash.

At first, I didn't expected at this. I made some tests and when I disable the SVG files in the chronology, then the preview work !

Did someone encounter this recently ?

Maybe my SVG Files are incorrects when I created them with Affinity Designer. Is there some parameters to be attention for ?

Here my storyline file.

Thx a lot.

  • I use a lot of SVG files in SL, for over a year now. I use illustrator and never had a crashing issue.

  • the 6 svg files are wrong imported

    • the icons of your imported svg shows that they are images (png)
    • a correct svg has a grey icon without graphic (like my new imported svg)

    as far as i know - this could only happens in SL 3.62 and older, if you replace in the Media Library a png with a svg

    how to fix

    • delete all svg with the wrong icon
    • reimport the svg again with "import image"
    • proof after import the "icon"

    @artículate: my support case (#03199180) for this bug (memory error on publish) is not solved since more than a year