Forum Discussion

DorothyThomas-e's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Team Dimensions Type of Assessment HELP!!!

I am in need of some advice. I am trying to create a type of Team Dimensions assessment and I'm not sure if Storyline can or not. I would think it could but, I can't figure it out. This assessment will not have the same answers for each person that takes it. As they are questions that will ask the learner to choose which sentence is the most like them and the least like them rating from 1-4. I would like to create a drag and drop but, I'm not sure how to get it to score based on how each learner rates themselves. So I could pick number 1 as my least most like me but, Sally could pick 3 as her least most like her. Does anyone have any suggestions or a way to create this and at the end it would be able to tell the learner based on what you answered you are more like a Refiner or a Creator, Advancer or Executer?  I have attached an example of a Team Dimensions Profile. Please HELP!! I'm stumped.

An example of a question is:

  • 1. I like to examine the details. 
  • 2. I’m good at recognizing alternatives. 
  • 3. I tend to focus on many things at once. 
  • 4. I like to see the consequences before I act. 
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