Forum Discussion
Text Alignment for Lessons Developed Using Rise 360
Hello everyone,
I am reaching out to seek support and solutions regarding a recent challenge I've encountered with the alignment of Arabic lessons on Rise 360.
For a while, after exporting the SCORM package, I was able to manually adjust the right-to-left alignment of the body text in the HTML index. However, it appears that a new update from Rise has limited my ability to make these adjustments.
I am reaching out for any insights, workarounds, or solutions that could help us address this issue. If you have experience or suggestions on how to ensure right-to-left alignment in Arabic lessons developed using Rise 360, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.
Thank you in advance for your collaboration and support.
- JaneAstley-51b4Community Member
Hi Mohammed, did you manage to find a solution for this? We are having the same issues after importing the SCORM into the LMS, all of the punctuation moves to the right.
Hope there is a solution! Thanks
Hi Jane and Mohammed,
Rise 360 currently doesn't support right-to-left languages, but I'm curious to see if members of the community have found a way to make it work using other methods!
In the meantime, you can check out this post which contains a solution that has been well received by other users.
- MohammedSinanCommunity Member
Hello Jane,
Yes, Phil reached us out and suggested some changes in the file.
Feel free to reach out to him at:
- HPLifeCommunity Member
We have realized this same issue has occurred with our Rise 360 web exports. For the past 4 years, we've always been able to simply modify the HTML of the web exports to accommodate for the right-to-left format of our Arabic courses. Currently, I can't find a single workaround so I am exploring hiring an HTML expert to do a deep dive into the export to make it work. Even then, I'm not confident they'll be able to solve everything...I've reached out to Articulate about what I assume was an update they made earlier this year but they basically told me "too bad" and that everything after export is not their problem...
- PhilFossCommunity Member
There was a recent change that makes this slightly more difficult in Rise. I maintain a css file that supports all blocks (so far) including the audio/video media players. Here's how its installed as a theme component:
- MassimoSMCommunity Member
Can confirm. This has worked for me for all blocks. No need to learn any css or anything else. Thank you so much Phil !