Forum Discussion
Text boxes are clickable
I recently had a text box become clickable (despite having no trigger for this) when I created a visited state for it. My desire was to have this instructional text box change to 'visited' when user clicked on an icon, but not for the text box itself to become clickable. I have done this many times and never before have I noticed that the text box becomes clickable. Is this something new?
2 Replies
That has been there as long as I can remember. Using a "visited" state comes with functionality. You can accomplish the same effect by naming the state anything other than one of the built-in names - "Completed" "checked" "visited1" anything of those and anything else will do.
Thank you Ron. I believe you, but it is strange... I checked a couple of my former projects I had done in this same way and the visited state of the text boxes did not make them clickable. At least I'm aware of it now and will use custom states if using this function. I appreciate your reply.