Forum Discussion
Text NOT read by screen reader NVDA
Hi All,
We have a few activities like MCSS, MCMS, etc having accessibility. The focus order and alt text are correctly added for these. However, the NVDA screen reader does NOT read the content correctly.
The issues faced are:
- Content is skipped - The question text is skipped by the screen reader and directly jumps to the options.
- The slide name is not read(skipped by the screen reader).
- The content of the first screen is read in one go till the end.
- At times, the state of radio buttons/checkboxes is read twice.
- The results are weird/not consistent in NVDA on different machines - We tested on 10 different machines and the results were not the same for all.
- While using the articulate review link the user is stuck at the "Sign In" option at the top left.
The issues are random - not consistent.
- NVDA version: 2020.3
- The content is correctly read in JAWS.
Here is the articulate review link of one of the activity:
Quick help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Hi there, Shraddha!
I appreciate you sharing a sample file with our Engineers for testing. I see that Gerald connected this experience to a possible bug where:
- Some keystrokes (Tab, Space bar, Up and Down keys) are not picked by screen readers when viewing the Storyline 360 course in Review 360. This only affects content published to Review 360, not Web or LMS.
I know you and Gerald are troubleshooting other behaviors, but I'll share this discussion in our internal report so we can notify you of any updates! Thanks for bearing with us.
- ShraddhaManj710Community Member
Hi Katei,
Yes, Gerald is helping us with the troubleshooting for these issues. However, we are facing these issues for Web and LMS too.
Request you to look into these at the earliest and resolve them ASAP as all our accessibile projects are on hold.
I appreciate the additional information, Shraddha. I've passed this along to Gerald as you continue working together.
- ArpanaKumariCommunity Member
Hi Team,
We are also facing the same issue while using NVDA screen reader it does not read the main body text of course and jumps to the navigations buttons. The focus order is also correct and we are using NVDA version 2021.1. Can you please provide solution any for this issue.
Hello Arpana,
Thank you for reaching out and sharing what you are experiencing with your project.
You mention that the screen reader is reading the navigation buttons but not the text on the slide. I'm curious if you're using the Tab key to navigate or using the Up/Down arrows?
Learners use their screen reader navigation keys (e.g., Down and Up arrows) to move through all text and interactive objects on the slide, listening to each item along the way.
- ArpanaKumariCommunity Member
Hi Leslie,
It's working now, thanks for your help in this.
But now we are facing the new issue of the Table is not properly read by the screen reader. It just read a table with 2 columns with 4 rows and doesn't even focus on each row of the table it read all of the content at the top of the screen only. The user is also enabled to move on to the table using the table command (i.e. T) in NVDA it reads no next table.
Can you please provide any solution for this issue that would be very helpful?
Thanks & Regards
Hello Arpana!
I'm happy to help! Are you navigating through the course in Storyline or the published output like on a website or LMS? You'll want to test the course outside of Storyline.
It would be helpful to take a look at the .story file. You can either attach it to this public discussion or upload it privately in a support case.
- SuzianaAhmedCommunity Member
Hi Lauren
I have the same issue as well. The screen reader could pick up the buttons but not the content. I'm using the review platform.
Thanks and regards
SuziHello Suziana!
Have you tested your course in the end environment like a website or LMS instead of Review 360? Are you noticing the same behavior?
If you don't already have a website or LMS that you're using, try uploading your course to Tempshare or SCORM cloud and then navigate through the course with a screen reader in those environments.
- SuzianaAhmedCommunity Member
It worked on the LMS but I need to address some Focus Order issues. I used minimum interaction.
I really think Articulate need to have a webinar on accessibility. The guides on the Articulate website are all over the places and with walls of texts. Tell us what features to use. How to use layers. I'm stripping all layers. With accessibility, features and interactions no longer matter. I dont even want to think about variables now.
I'm also chunking lessons using SL 360 even more. It doesnt make sense to pay the yearly subscription fee only end up with a glorified powerpoint.
That's why Articulate need to set up webinars on accessibility. Sooner rather than later.
Hi Suziana,
We have conducted a few webinars on accessibility, which you can find here.
You initially mentioned that the buttons were being picked up, but not the content. Typically screen reader users navigate using up/down arrows, which include both interactive and text information. It sounds like you may be tabbing through the content. Here is some info:
Storyline 360: Slide Content Is More Accessible
All objects for the slide will appear in the Focus Order window, including objects from layers and slide masters. They are not treated separately since layers are used to display additional content on a slide.
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, everyone.
I just wanted to share that we are no longer seeing the bug reported where NVDA skips reading slide contents and goes directly to the settings button using the latest build of Storyline (3.61.27106.0).
If you're using the latest version and you're still experiencing this issue, please reach out to our support team through a case.