Forum Discussion
2 years agoCommunity Member
The Hover/Selected State Continues to Not Make Sense
Can anyone tell me what's the point of Storyline's default functionality where a state is selected but it reverts to the hover state when you're hovering over it. In my opinion, the hover state shou...
2 years agoSuper Hero
The answer seems intuitive to me. If you don't want the object to show that the mouse is over it, don't use the hover state.. it really serves very little practical purpose, if any. I use shapes rather than the built-in buttons, precisely because of the huge load of built-in states (baggage, in my opinion) that they carry. I only add states that are absolutely necessary. Selected frequently is, while Hover without adding new information, seldom is.
- EdwardAgadja1702 years agoCommunity Member
See, I disagree. Hover states are critical for me because I'm using several shapes that must be selected in order to compare each shape's information. The hover state is instrumental in its visual clarity for the learner of what is to be selected.