Forum Discussion

FredericLoward's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago


Dear Community,

Do you know how to set up an endless timeline on Storyline?

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Are you trying to create a certain effect, such as looping a video or audio segment? You do not need to set the timeline to "infinite" to achieve this.

  • Hi Joe. Thanks for your feedback. The user if distracted by a colleague because of a small chat should be able to go on with the slide he is working on so the time should be infinite. How do you set "infinite"?

  • When the timeline ends, nothing happens. All the objects remain on the screen, and all interactions continue to function.

    So actually, once the timeline reaches the end, it no longer moves. It will sit without taking any action for infinity. The only exceptions to that are if you set a trigger to change that behavior, for example: object ends or disappears before timeline ends, slide advances when timeline ends, or some trigger initiates when timeline ends. Given your question,  you probably don't want to do any of those things

    There is not really any other infinite setting.