Forum Discussion

JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Toggling States

Hi Terrific Community.

I'm building a flashcard review game. The way it is set is the user sees the card, and needs to decide whether or not they remember the product or it if's a product card, remember the details. They click the card to flip it over and see if they were right. Then they drag it to the I Remembered or Need to Practice pile. When they get through the stack, there's a reset button that allows them to review only the ones they put in their practice pile.

Click to flip

Drag to the pile

I did this with triggers. One to flip, one to count, and one to set to practice if they didn't remember. When they click reset it moves all the practice over to restart.

Each card has three states.

I needed to go Product to Description (green) and Description to Product (blue) so I just flipped the starting state and reversed the triggers.

That's all well and good and it works pefectly. BUT my SME reviewed it and has asked that they be able to flip the card over again once it's been viewed. I thought that would be easy. 

I set a second trigger with if then parameters. 

Now when the user clicks it does nothing. I disabled it on the first green slide and it's fine, then the next slide it doesn't flip. It seems like the second trigger disabled it all. 

  • I tried playing with the order, and that didn't do anything.
  • I looked at toggle, but that only seems to work with hidden and disabled.

Any suggestions?

Here's the review link, and I've attached the Storyline file.


  • Is there a reason you chose not to use the selected states? it seems that would be easier to create the toggle. 

    From what I can tell, It seems that the card has a cover with title and the description. The practice and answer states seem to be the same cover. 

    I'd use the cover as the normal state and then use the description as the selected state. That creates a toggle without requiring triggers.

    If you want to change the state to the normal state when dropped on either target that's just one trigger.

  • Thanks Tom. For the green one, I just reversed what I built in the first one so I didn't have to rebuild it all over again. I didn't think about using selected. That might do it.

    The third state, practice, is a repeat of the second state because I needed something to sort out the ones they wanted to work on. I used Dave Andersen's trick for getting them to reset with the motion path, but I needed something to trigger them as incorrect. I suppose if I'd made the drop on the practice as the incorrect state that would have done the same thing.  So I overcomplicated this. 

    I will try switching this. But will the toggle from normal to selected go back to normal on a second click? That's what the SME wants to see. 

  • Just switched it. Boy I worked a WHOLE lot harder on those triggers than I needed to. Thanks for your help, @Tom