Forum Discussion

ColleenMcKayWha's avatar
Community Member
16 days ago

Tracking Quiz results when Rise360 course is NOT in an LMS

Hi all - 

Question regarding tracking quiz results in Rise 360.  I see you can track by getting results in your LMS.  But what if the training is NOT in an LMS but rather just a link on your website? I have set the quiz to require a passing score, and other criteria - but I am wondering if I can access data to show how many times students have attempted/reattempted, which Qs they typically answer incorrectly, etc.    

Is such a feature just not available because the training is not housed within an LMS? Thank you!



  • Thank you, Judy! That's what i suspected.... Our workaround has been to embed Qualtrics developed Evaluation / registration into the course, at the END - thus forcing the actually review of the course. I'll review what you have shared! thanks - 
