Forum Discussion

louchavez-3bea5's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Translate Import breaking buttons

Hi everyone, I am having some trouble with the Translate Import function. I exported the file using Translate/Export and sent it to the translator. After she sent it back I imported the file. Most of the text works fine, but the text associated with buttons is broken. For example, the "start" button has text that is overlapped with an arrow. When I right-click the button and select "edit text" I cannot actually edit the text. It acts like the button text is part of the background button color and it allows me to write new text over top of it, but not edit what's already there. This is happening to every button in the course. I'm re-learning Storyline as I've been using Captivate for many years and we are switching back to Storyline so please forgive me if the answer is obvious and I'm overlooking it. Here's an example of what I mean, I cannot edit the text in this button at all. 

  • Hi Lou,

    Thanks for sharing this experience, and I'm sorry it's causing issues for your course! It's possible the import could have mistakes that are causing this to happen, but it could very well be a bug as well. I'd like to have our team take a closer look and verify what's happening behind the scenes.

    If you're able to share your files, please upload the untranslated course and the import file in a case for our team. They'll take a look and get back to you as soon as possible!

  • I know this is a late reply, but it looks like we failed to recognize that the buttons had different states, which at different points in the lifecycle of the object, affect the text. We now see that this was a state-based issue.