Forum Discussion

GeorginaCorn167's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Trigger: Hide this layer not working

I'm banging my head against the wall here, hopefuly someone can help me before it starts to bleed 😅!

I am trying to hide layer when the state of an item is normal.  I've attached the file below

In the 2nd slide (1.2) I have 2 states for my protein standards, hover and normal.  On the base layer, I've successfully set up a trigger to go to layer protein standards  when state of protein standards is hover.  But for the life of me I cant get it to come back from the protein standards layer.  I've set the trigger to hide this layer when the state of protein standards 1 is normal.  My intention is for the learner to be taken back to the base layer when they roll off the protein standards shape.

I have the same situation with the streptavidin layer

Please help



  • In case anyone else is having this issue, I just got help from the online chat support -  These articulate folks are amazing at customer support!

    It turns out a better way to accomplish this is buy using the Show Layer when user hovers over and then check the box that says 'hide layer when user hovers out'!  Much simpler!

  • Yay! I'm so glad that you were able to get the help you needed, Georgina.

    I appreciate your chiming back in to share your solution with the community as well.

  • I just checked... if I have an element which has trigger show layer when hovering.... and I tick that "hide layer when user hovers out".... the hover effect is not working at all... if I take that tick away it works normally... articulate 360

    • LaurenDuvall's avatar

      Hello MM!

      The Hover state won't show up unless it's shown on the layer. For example, let's say that I have one rectangle on the base layer and a rectangle on an additional layer. I want the rectangle on the base layer to also show on the additional layer. If I want the Hover state to appear, then I need to uncheck "Hide objects on base layer" in Layer Properties.

      Here's a quick tutorial of these steps.