Forum Discussion

Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Triggered audio not working

Hello community! I have a quiz that I'm making in multiple languages. I've attached it below. The user needs to select their language at the beginning, then go on to the quiz slides. If I choose the German or Spanish track, everything works great! My UK/US tracks, though, work for the first question, but not the second, or the final slide. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?

  • No idea why but your slides are so slow.

    The US works fine for me, you have no trigger to play UK audio. You don't need the trigger to stop the US.

    I think it would have been easier to have one text variable to control all of the languages and just set the language in the text.

  • Oddly I looked again and the trigger is there, must need to reboot my machine, it works fine for men all languages

    • Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
      Community Member

      Hey Phil. So, when you preview the project and click US or UK, you can hear the audio on question 2? It continues to not work for me. (Also, there is no set UK audio...the audio is the same for US and UK)

    • Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
      Community Member

      What's the reason to set the triggers to FALSE on the very first slide? How does that help?

      • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
        Community Member

        every custom variable will be saved global* with leave slide or open slide layer** - on resume all custom variables are restored

        if you don't reset the four variables - it can happen, that multiple languages are defined at the same time

        iif learner cannot open the language slide a second time and you disable resume on your course, the four trigger are not absolutely necessary - but it is best practice to do it anyway

        * to LMS (published to LMS) or in the browser to Local Storage (publish to web)
           (on review 360 the save/resume function is disabled !!!)

        ** this is new with storyline 3.69 (no infos in the release notes !!!)