Forum Discussion

Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Triggers not working for slide with multiple audio files

Hi community! I'm using Storyline 360.

I've made a quiz that has multiple languages. Each slide/question/response layer has multiple audio tracks. (4 to be exact) I tried this once before with only two languages (2 audio tracks) and I was able to play the audio I wanted based on a triggered variable at the beginning of the course. Everything was great! But once I added two more audio files, my triggers won't work. HELP!

I've attached my triggers in case this helps.

I am thinking I SHOULD be able to do this:

Play US Audio when the timeline starts on this slide if (variable) US is equal to True AND (variable) Spn is equal to False AND (Variable) Ger is equal to False AND (variable) UK is equal to False.

But that didn't work either. Any suggestions?

  • It may be simpler to have one var for language this way you don't need to turn things on and off

    varLanguage = [insert language]

    then it would be play German audio if varLanguage = German, etc

  • that would remove all of the true/false variables and make it easier to manage and troubleshoot

  • As Tom allready mentioned using if conditions only is your best and easiest option. If in combination with AND should work, but in many projects i noticed watching the order of statements and purely using if conditions works best.