Forum Discussion

AdrianFoley-472's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Triggers working in "Preview Mode" for a single slide, but not when published or previewing the entire project

Hello all. Has anyone experienced this before?

I've set a variable to change once all buttons on the slide have been visited. This variable change is meant to trigger a button appearing. It works when I preview it on the single slide, but not when I preview the entire project. At least not usually. Although sometimes it does work when I preview the entire project. 

It also doesn't work when I publish the project. 

Can anyone help with this? 


  • It's difficult to troubleshoot without seeing the file. Best guess: I've seen this issue occur when the same variable is used for different interactions. For example, a T/F variable might be changed to True on completion of the first interaction the user encounters. Well, then it's already True when the user reaches the second interaction. 

    If that's the problem, the solution is simple: use a unique variable to track completion of each interaction.

    If that's not the problem, I suggest you upload a copy of your file, so someone can look at it. 

  •  It's a setting in the program because it's best practice. Best practice is not a workaround. :)

  • Hi Judy 

    Thank you kindly for your help. That actually did the trick!

    I did notice the issue occurs again when return to the slide though.

    I changed the when revisiting  setting on these slides to resume to saved state and that worked, so I guess that's my workaround. 

    Thanks again! 


  • TrudyFrainey's avatar
    Community Member

    I am having the same issue however the solution above did not fix it.

    I've set a variable to change the Next button back to Normal once 5 items on the slide have been visited (ie states have changed to visited). However the Next button returns to normal after visiting  only one of the items. It works correctly when I preview it on the single slide, but not when I preview the entire project, or when published. 

    If anyone has any other ideas that I can try that would be most appreciated 

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Troubleshooting is just guessing without seeing the .story file. If you upload it, someone might be able to solve the issue.

      Here are the best practices for uploading a .story file:

      • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
      • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
      • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
      • TrudyFrainey's avatar
        Community Member

        Unfortunately the content is security protected so I can't share. Attached is a screenshot of my triggers panel. The slide I am working on is acting like a menu slide which has buttons to take the learner to a series of topic slides. I have created triggers to return to user to the Menu once they have completed each topic. The below triggers work when I am in preview mode however they do not work when I publish.  Any help would be most appreciated!

  • Here are the issues I see based on the images: 

    • There's a trigger that hides the Next button when the timeline starts. That will run every time the user returns to the slide—even if the button was previously enabled. 
    • The trigger to enable the Next button is based on the conditions that are in the Visited state. Each object will automatically change to Visited when it is clicked. Thus, the conditions could be met before the topics are completed. 

    This post has info about how to deal with those issues: TIP: Create a Custom Menu Slide - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes

    That still doesn't explain why the triggers would work when previewed and not when published. I suggest you contact the Articulate support team: Contact Support for Help with Any Articulate E-Learning Course Development Software