Forum Discussion
Try It simulation wont advance
Hello... I have a View It / Try It simulation that is not working as expected. On the Try It side, when I input an incorrect answer, it tells me it is wrong (as expected, "try again"). When I try the question again with the correct input answer, it still says it's wrong and I'm stuck. I cannot advance any further in the course. As long as I input correct answers each time, it flows smoothly. I have included the file below. I appreciate any direction on this.
Terry Arthur
- TerryArthur1Community Member
I found this... when using <enter> key, it acts like a carriage return. If the answer is correct, it advances to next slide. If answer is wrong, it moves the next line in the text box. The original text is hidden above. The submit button eliminates this issue.
- PierreJouanCommunity Member
It works for me.
It's just that the hotspot are a bit small, for example, when I do click on the "User" line, I actually click outside the hotspot and get the "wrong" message.
As for the text inputs, you get leftovers of your previous answer but if you delete them it works fine.
- TerryArthur1Community Member
Hi Pierre. Thanks for the reply. How does a learner delete the answer? I have not heard of this. I welcome your input.
- PierreJouanCommunity Member
I see the problem now. The previous text entry is still there at second try but if you try to delete it (backspace) and type the good answer, it will only submit at second RETURN press and thus consider it as a wrong answer.
I tried to clear text entry but no success yet...
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
I can only ever get it to submit on second enter, I have some javascript somewhere for stripping out line breaks in text fields,
- TerryArthur1Community Member
Hi Phil... either <enter> or <submit> should work. I appreciate the java idea, but it should just work natively.
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, Terry.
Thank you for sharing the .story file!
I was able to reproduce what you're experiencing with slide 4.7, so I went ahead and opened a support case on your behalf. You should hear from our team soon, via e-mail.
- TerryArthur1Community Member
Hi Maria
Thank you... thought I was going crazy. It appears this behavior is happening all of my text entry fields. I look forward to hearing from someone soon.
- TerryArthur1Community Member
It's almost like it is holding the previous value. I tried adding another trigger to reset the text variable to "blank", but that doesnt seem to work either. Thank you again.
- TerryArthur1Community Member
But Last name field does not add the second line on <enter>. The text stays on one line and is obvious to learner to delete previous response and correct... not sure why all of the text boxes dont do that.