Forum Discussion
Unable to Use Text to speech In Storyline. Error<<You are offline.Please connect to the internet and try again.>>
I think I figured it out and I'm posting to help others. I had used the return key to add space at the beginning and end of text in an attempt not have space for the captions to not start and end abruptly and end. It works at the end of text, not so much at the beginning. When I copied my text without the spaces I was able to insert new audio and it saved fine.
I then went back and used the return key to enter in space and it saved fine. Storyline is quirky. Now I need to re-edit my captions. Ugh.
So weird that pressing Enter in the wrong place could cause this error, but I followed your instructions, and it worked for me. Thanks for figuring this out. I see you had this issue a year ago already. Hopefully it can be fixed in a future update.