Forum Discussion
User notes that they can print and email
I am just wondering if this javascript I came across for opening up a gmail composer window could be incorporated into the email function so that people who do not have outlook but use gmail could use that?
Here's the javascript:
popw='';Q='';x=document;y=window;if(x.selection) {Q=x.selection.createRange().text;} else if (y.getSelection) {Q=y.getSelection();} else if (x.getSelection) {Q=x.getSelection();}popw ='' + escape(document.title) + '&su=Question re: Opportunity' + '&' + '&body= I have a question about this Opportunity: ' + escape(location.href) + escape('\n') + escape('\n') + 'My question is: ' ,'gmailForm','scrollbars=yes,width=680,height=510,top=175,left=75,status=no,resizable=yes');if (!document.all) T = setTimeout('popw.focus()',50);void(0);
Can anyone show us how to use this so that it gets the variables one wants to pass etc?