Forum Discussion

MelinaLabrosse's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Users continuing course where they left off


I have published  a course for web and uploaded it into an LMS but am noticing that when stopping the course part way through, users have to start again from the beginning instead of continuing where they left off. "Always resume on restart" is already selected in Storyline. Is the the variable, trigger or javascript that needs to be implemented to that users can continue the course where they left off? Thank you! 

  • Hello Melina!

    Thanks for reaching out. Is there a reason why you published the course for Web rather than LMS? This functionality should work when published for LMS and uploaded to your LMS environment. 

  • Hi Lauren, 

    The host of the course that takes care of the LMS asked for it to be published for web. I have since found out that the functionality works but only when using the same device and browser. I am hoping to find a way for users to be able to continue where they left off no matter which device or browser they are using. Thanks! 

  • Hi Melina, 

    Thanks for the update. I have a few quick questions!

    • Could you please share what LMS you are using? I'm curious if others in the community have come across a similar situation and can provide their experience! 
    • You mentioned the functionality works when using the same device/browser. What combination of browsers/and devices are you currently using to test your course?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!