Forum Discussion

NatashaMarshall's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Using multiple quizzes to trigger completion

Hi all,

I have a course in 4 sections, with a series of exercises and a result slide after each section. I don't want to put all the quiz sections together as it is a long course and the learning has deliberately been scaffolded and organised for increased retention.

Because there is more than one quiz I am having trouble with setting up the completion parameters. I think I can do it with the attached trigger setup, but I am unsure about whether I have the quiz pass percentage conditions correct.

As you can see on the right I had initially tried to add the option that they just click on complete, but I don't want them to be able to do that if they failed the quizzes.

I know I can change the result slides to prevent them from moving on, but I have reasons why I don't want to do that. So will the setup I have here (my pass mark on the result slides is 80% so that's why I entered 80) auto-pass my learners once they have passed the 4th quiz, as long as all 4 quizzes were passed?

  • That trigger looks okay--assuming that the variable change that acts as the "when" happens on the same slide as the trigger.

    Our you could use a Results of Results slide instead. 

    This method would submit the quiz data to the LMS/LRS.