Forum Discussion

MichaelAmbech-6's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Very Secure IT department - storyline 360

Hi! I work for a company with very strict IT security. I can't install anything without their permission and each version of software needs to be tested vigorously before being added to the system image.

Here's the issue: As I understand it, I need Articulate 360 to install storyline 360, right?

The version of Articulate 360 provided by IT was very old and consequently Articulate 360 prompted me to update. I wasn't allowed to due to the aforementioned IT policy. IF I can get IT to validate your latest version of Articulate 360 and storyline 360 what will happen next time there is an update to Articulate 360? I won't want to update all the time as I have to involve IT. It seems Articulate 360 is updated quite often whereas storyline 360 isn't. I just need storyline 360. Can I say no to updates from Articulate 360 or will storyline 360 cease to be available if I do that?

What is the proper approach and what are the ramifications of not constantly updating Articulate 360?

Many thanks!






  • Hello Michael!

    I'm happy to help provide clarity here! Articulate 360 desktop app in like the dashboard and then there are multiple programs that you can install on the dashboard. We usually release an update for Storyline 360 monthly. Part of the update process is updating the desktop app and Storyline 360. You can read more about these steps here.

    If your IT team would like to contact us directly, they can reach us by submitting a support case.