Forum Discussion
Video Controls Options
It sure would be nice if we could turn off/on whatever controls in video control bars. I do not like giving the option for users to speed up/slow down videos, or using the Picture-in-a-picture capability. We recently discovered that the full-screen option does not function on the SuccessFactors LMS, something about frameset browser violations. For now I have a CSS hack to hide these buttons, but it sure would be great to control these options, either globally for the whole course, or by individual videos.
- Nathan_HilliardCommunity Member
Not sure what your video player format is, but have you considered placing a 99% transparent mask over the video and player (or the portion with the controls)? That would prevent anyone from clicking on any controls you do not want used, but still able to see the video.
- twelineCommunity Member
I have a question about this idea. I tried it with both a hotspot and a transparant rectangle but it only works if I test it on my laptop. However if I move the project to a bigger screen or put the project on full screen the objects suddenly seem to have moved... Is there something I can do about this? I don't want to cover the entire video because I still want the students to be able to pause the video
- Nathan_HilliardCommunity Member
Can you just place opaque colored objects on your slide to verify their positioning? Nothing should move relative to one another. There may be a light delay in the video becoming ready, so I suppose there could be a stacking issue but it seems unlikely. If you can see your masking shapes, you should be able to determine if that's the case.
Hi Bill,
Thanks for letting us know that you're interested in the ability to disable certain features in the video controls bar. We have an open feature request for adding an option to control which video controls are enabled/disabled and I've added your voice to it. We'll let you know when this request makes it to our product roadmap!