Forum Discussion
Video Transcript in Storyline
I'm experimenting with the (new to me) video transcript option in Storyline, and I have 2 questions:
- What is the name that is announced for the button? In testing it (with JAWS active) I believe the button only says "open" (or at least that is all I hear, and I do not have JAWS set to read very quickly... but I wonder if that is what others encounter.
- Has anyone tried to have a screen reader read the transcript? I am trying and finding it to not be a great experience. It sound like its formatted like a list?
- Sub question: I see that it's possible to remove the timestamps, is this something that can be programmatically set (like a player setting) or is it always on by default? I think not having it might make reading the transcript (with a screenreader) a bit easier.
Hello Seth,
Great questions! When selecting the button using a screen reader, the transcript button reads “Open Toggle Button”.
I was able to navigate through the transcript. It is expected to hear the time stamps since they are part of the transcript. If you don’t want to hear those, then you might consider adding a layer with a transcript.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
- KayleighCardnelCommunity Member
Hi, I have a question regarding the 'open toggle button' announcement for screen readers. Is it possible to edit this? As it's not clear for someone who can't see what the toggle opens if there is no mention of transcripts here. Thank you
Hi KayleighCardnel!
Yes, you can edit this via player text labels.
Storyline 360: Customizing the Text Labels
Player -> Text Labels -> Line 184 (Video Transcripts: Open transcripts screen reader verbiage) -> Edit the default "Open" text to what you'd like for it to say, for example, "View transcript"
I hope this helps!