Forum Discussion

GaryFisher-d531's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Viewable Result Meter Displaying Correct Answers on Every Question Slide

Hello. I have searched and experimented with trying to make an active results meter work. Ive seen several templates on creating a result meter that performs at the end of a quiz, like Rise 360 provides.

My objective is to have an active meter/gauge displaying as each question is answered throughout quiz. As an example for a 10 question quiz: the gauge starts empty on question 1. A correct answer fills the meter by 10%. A wrong answer does not increase the meter. The continues and is displayed on all question slides.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.

1 Reply

  • On the Master Layout for Questions, do this:

    • Add a slider or dial with the number of steps = to the number of questions.
      • Storyline will automatically create a number variable for this. I suggest you rename it to something meaningful (for example, "quizGauge").
    • Add labels at the steps to indicate progress.
    • Add a transparent shape over it, so that the user can't drag it.

    On each question slide, do this:

    • Add a trigger to the Submit button that adds 1 to the variable with the condition that the correct answer = Selected
      • That would look something like this: 

      • Be sure this trigger comes before the trigger that submit the question.

    On the Results slide, do this: 

    • Add a trigger to the Retry Quiz button that adjusts the gauge variable back to 0. 
      • Be sure this trigger comes before the trigger that jumps to the first question.

    Note: Unfortunately, the program remembers the gauge's position for each question during a quiz Review. So either don't allow a Review, or add a Review layer to the question slides that covers the gauge.